


Prayer & Care

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Bible School

Prayer & Care

As ministers, we are honoured to offer prayer and care in life’s moments. We are not trained psychologists or counsellors; these are different disciplines. We are, however, trained to provide prayer, support, encouragement, and spiritual direction based on the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit.

One-on-One Care

We are happy to connect if you wish to meet with someone on our Pastoral Team for emotional support, care, or guidance. When emailing or calling a Campus, please specify which Pastor you would like to meet with for care.

If you are looking for additional resources regarding Counselling, Psychological Services, Housing, Assistance, or New to Canada information, download our helpful Prayer and Care Resource PDF.

Receive Prayer

Our Prayer Team is available for prayer on Sundays at each Campus after each service.



Pre-service In-Person & Zoom (Meeting Code: 000000) at 7:00 am


In-Person at 7:00 pm



Pre-service at 8:00 am


Zoom at 12:00 pm

Every Third Sunday

In-Person following the 10:45 am Service



Pre-service at 8:00 am


In-Person at 12:00 pm

Prayer Wall

Use our Prayer Wall to share a prayer request anonymously or with your name. Please be sensitive about leaving prayer requests using the full names of those who may not have given you consent to share.

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Freedom Ministry

We offer ministry to those seeking freedom from oppression or strongholds. The first step in this process is to assess one’s heart where God is concerned. This will allow the freedom seeker to understand their walk with the Lord and where they are on their journey. With the help of the Lord, a person can gain insight into their oppression. True repentance can, at times, bring about the freedom sought. Should the oppression or stronghold persist after the assessment, a freedom consultation will occur to determine the next steps. Once freedom has come into your life, you are responsible for walking in the freedom Christ has provided.

Think obedience, not earning. Corporate freedom sessions take place on each Campus throughout the year. Keep your eye on our events or reach out to discover when the next session is taking place.


If you have questions about life and faith, contact a Lifecentre team member who’s eager to answer your inquiries. Please allow 24-48 hours.
