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We Love Generosity

Generosity helps create opportunities for people to experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus. There is no greater difference we could make together. When we tithe, when we return to God the first 10% of our income we practice the way of generosity by trusting God with our finances.

At Lifecentre, we want to be generous people who imitate our generous God. We invite you to prayerfully consider practicing the way of generosity through financial giving. 

We’ve seen God provide abundantly in our church, and we know He will provide abundantly for you and your family when you put Him first in your finances. In fact, it’s the one area in the Bible where God tells you to test Him.

Hidden Element
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Enter the total donation amount you would like the church to receive:

Donation amount I need to give to cover processing fees:

Recurring Giving

Select frequency ‘regularly.’

Bank E-Transfer

Complete our one-time registration.

Gifts of Security

Make a gift of securities, mutual funds or stocks

Mobile App

Download the Church Centre App.

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Update Profile

Returning users can update their personal information here.


On every dollar we receive, we too practice the way of generosity by giving the first 10% of it away. See our ministry partners today.


Have a question regarding the donation process? Contact our giving team for help.

Ministry & Annual Report

Take a moment to celebrate all God is doing in and through Lifecentre. As we look at numbers, we recognize each one represents a person, a story, a life forever impacted by God’s never-failing love.

The Life Centre Christian Fellowship is a registered Canadian charity. (No. 871685145 RR0002).
Eligible donations will be issued a tax receipt at the end of each calendar year.
