


Prayer & Care

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Bible School




Lifecentre’s LifeTrack: Core is designed to help you move from connection to the core. It is a four-session investment where you’ll explore membership, and we will introduce you to leadership at Lifecentre.  

We are wholeheartedly committed to growing together with Jesus to make a difference in our city. LifeTrack Core is another way to grow together to accomplish our shared mission.

Week One

Why Is Belonging Essential In Spiritual Formation?

The underlying thread to Week One’s content is best summed up in a single word: formation. Each of us is being formed by something, influenced by someone. Our greatest aim is to be formed by Jesus, lived out in a local church, in this case Lifecentre.

Week Two

Why Membership at Lifecentre

Week two is about the five characteristics of any local church and how all they all come together to make disciples. We also spoke about what our membership commitment means at Lifecentre. If Lifecentre fails to do this, we aren’t a healthy church, no matter how many people attend.

Week Three

What Does Leadership Involve

Week three you can expect a focus on leadership. Specifically, how Jesus-centred leadership is always about our followship. Our following Jesus is the defining difference in raising the bar regarding between being having influence or being a leader worth following.

Week Four

How Does Unity Function at Lifecentre

This final week you can expect to hear about the differences in unity. We believe in people over postures. In other words, our postures, namely our absolutes and convictions, require clarity, yet we embrace different people in different places along the spectrum of each of us becoming more like Jesus.

Follow Up With a Campus Pastor

Have Additional Questions?

Perhaps you have worked your way through LifeTrack: Core or one of the downloads in our Appendix and as a result, there is a question, conversation, or discussion you would like to have before taking the next step to becoming a member. This is a wonderful opportunity of us to get to know you on a deeper level. Don’t hesitate to reach out and set up an appointment today with one of our Campus Pastors.

Apply for Membership

Apply For Membership

Congratulations on completing both LifeTrack Connect and Core. Do you understand where unity at Lifecentre is essential and where diversity a benefit? If you are ready, we are wholeheartedly prepared to welcome you as a new member at Lifecentre.

If Lifecentre is not the local church for you to become a member, practice a posture of affection by speaking well of His Bride, the Church. How we walk together at different stages of Christ-like formation and agreement is also an opportunity for us to become more like Jesus.


Our Statement of Fundamental
Essentials and Truths

Our Posture of Affection:
Lifecentre & Sexual Formation

Our Posture of Affection:
Continuationism (Prophecy)
