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Bible School


Follow Jesus


Following Jesus begins with a decision leading to lifelong discipleship, which means we become more like Jesus. Together, let’s wholeheartedly follow to live Jesus-sized difference making lives!

We’ve created this space to help you take your first four steps in following Jesus.

Receive What Jesus Has Done

Set Sundays for Church

Make Time for Bible Reading

Be Water Baptized Soon

Follow Up With a Campus Pastor

Have Additional Questions?

This is a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know you on a personal level. Don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule an appointment today with one of our Campus Pastors. We love helping you take steps in following Jesus.

Now What?

FREE Bible

We have a FREE Bible for you. Did you pick it up? Following the service, ask one of our prayer team, which are the individuals at the front of the sanctuary after each service for your free Bible. They are ready to gift you a Bible and pray for you as you begin following Jesus.

Become Heartstrong

Heartstrong began as an intentional discipleship journey designed to Biblically train, grow and develop you through monthly training plans, daily online Bible studies, and monthly teaching content with accountability and community. 

Become Planted

Planted is a short-term investment designed to help you continue or begin following Jesus at Lifecentre. Specifically, it invites you to take three steps wherever you are: first, learn about Lifecentre. Second, discover your Spirit-empowered gift. Lastly, plant yourself with others committed to growing together with Jesus to make a difference in our city.

Get Rooted

To continue growing, it’s time to put down roots. After planting, to continue growing together, you must root in Christ by belonging to a church community like Lifecentre. It’s this collective strength, this unity in our following Jesus, that will help us all flourish. Rooted is an eight-week investment. It will help you become more like Jesus by guiding you to follow Him on your own and of equal importance at Lifecentre alongside others.

Triangle of Transformation

Regarding following Jesus, Lifecentre embraces a model of personal discipleship called The Triangle of Transformation. Developed by James Bryant Smith, it helps describe what it means to become more like Jesus. It has four components.

1. Adopting the Narratives of Jesus

This is all about changing one’s mind (the narratives we believe) to let our thoughts be centred on the things of God. We adopt the true narratives of Jesus through reading God’s Word, reading books on growing in faith, listening to podcasts or sermons, and many other ways to be taught through the mind how to follow Jesus. This concept is centred around Romans 12:2, which says, “Be transformed by the renewing of your minds.”

2. Participating in Community

This is essential to becoming more like Jesus, but it’s also hard to do well. Participating at Lifecentre on Sundays and in the community should encourage us to bear up one another’s burdens, celebrate together, and suffer together if necessary to be transformed into the image of Jesus. A church community can check in with us when we listen to the wrong narratives or slack in soul-training exercises to keep us growing to be more like Jesus together.

3. Engaging in Soul-Training Exercises

Other descriptions for soul-training exercises are spiritual disciplines, practices, or formation. Whatever language you prefer, they are actions one takes to become more like Jesus. This is where apprenticeship takes shape. Imagine a plumber apprentice just sitting in a classroom for 500 hours learning through their mind to become a master plumber, but they never actually put their hands on a sink to change out a faucet. Would you trust them to renovate your bathroom? You need to step outside the classroom of learning about Jesus to engage in hands-on exercises like prayer, fasting, silence & solitude, simplicity, celebration, Sabbath, community, serving the poor, hospitality, and whatever else Jesus did.

4. Being empowered by the Holy Spirit

All of these things are woven together by the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Many individuals try their hardest to change just by their willpower. Some do change. But the transformation required by Jesus is only realized through the Holy Spirit working in our minds (narratives), in our bodies (exercises), and in social context (church community). He can be active in our hearts when we read a Christian book on spiritual formation or this blog that you’re reading. He can give us renewal while practicing the discipline of fasting or speak to us through the mouth of another Godly friend. Without the leading of the Holy Spirit, this is just another dead religion.

You Said Yes


Inside this little book, you’ll discover more about what your decision to follow Jesus means. Each day will include daily thoughts from the Bible and ideas to try for yourself. This book is organized into 21 days, but feel free to go at the pace that best helps you grow. You might finish this book in 100 days, 21 days, or a week. You might even keep reading it over and over. Finishing the book is less important than finding direction, growing in confidence, and starting conversations with others about what you’re learning.

Practicing the Way

A Recommended Resource

It’s not that people don’t want to become like Jesus or aren’t trying to become like Jesus.
It’s that we don’t know how to become like Jesus.

To that end, Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer will help you learn how to be with Jesus, become like Him, and do as He did.

Can I Trust The Bible?

A FREE eBook

Can I Trust The Bible? is a concise exploration of the reliability and authority of the Bible. Addressing common doubts and questions about the Bible’s authenticity, inspiration, and inerrancy.

It emphasizes the importance of understanding the historical and theological context of the scriptures and defends the Bible as a divinely inspired text, trustworthy in its teachings
